Getting Started#
Call an OpenPlugin via the SDK#
This is the preferred way to call a plugin.
Learn more about the SDK at: ImpromptAI/openplugin-sdk
Step 1: You need a link to your OpenPlugin manifest. For testing purposes, you can use the sample Klarna plugin manifest
Step 2: Start an OpenPlugin server. More information Getting Started
Step 3: Install the openplugin-sdk
pip install openplugin-sdk
Step 4: Run the plugin
# Call the OpenPlugin service with a remote server url
from openplugin_sdk import OpenpluginService
import os
openplugin_server_endpoint = "..."
openplugin_api_key = "..."
svc = OpenpluginService(openplugin_server_endpoint=openplugin_server_endpoint, openplugin_api_key=openplugin_api_key)
print(f"openplugin_version: {svc.remote_server_version()}, server_status={}")
openplugin_manifest_url = ""
prompt = "Show me some T Shirts."
output_module_name = "default_cleanup_response"
response =
**curl example **#
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: 'YOUR-API-KEY' \
--data '{
"prompt": "USER_PROMPT",
"conversation": [],
"openplugin_manifest_url": "MANIFEST_URL",
"approach": {
"base_strategy": "oai functions",
"llm": {
"frequency_penalty": 0,
"max_tokens": 2048,
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
"presence_penalty": 0,
"provider": "OpenAI",
"temperature": 0,
"top_p": 1
"name": "OAI functions-OpenAI",
"pre_prompt": null
Call an OpenPlugin using code#
pip install openplugin
from openplugin.core.plugin_runner import run_prompt_on_plugin
response =await run_prompt_on_plugin(openplugin, prompt)
Call an OpenPlugin using PyPI#
pip install openplugin
openplugin --help
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your key>
openplugin start-servero
openplugin run-plugin --openplugin manifests/sample_klarna.json --prompt sample_prompt.txt --log-level="FLOW"